Tuesday, December 26, 2006


And I also got Army Builder, so I've been playing with lists. Carapace armor will probably not feature against assualty marines; praying that they don't shoot so they can charge will feature instead. Demolition charges definetly will as well.>=)

Monday, December 18, 2006

With the first recruits inbound and the formidable resources of the soon-to-be-purchased battleforce and the Ultramarines Second Company, I will be able to achieve my goal of WORLD DOMINATION! XD muahahahahhahaha!...erm...sorry. couldn't help it =)

Reinforcements are in transit!

One week until 1st and 2nd sqauds, 1st Platoon arrive!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

O.K., here's some more fluff...
The 111th has recently been called on to fight in the battle for Medusa V. There, their experience in fighting Traitor Marines proved invaluable as they beat off attack after attack from foul Chaos scum. They recieved much honor and praise from the high command for their heroic actions in the defense of the hives and their participation in Task Force Serpent.

Boot Camp

If you're an Imperial Guard player, I highly recommend looking at Boot Camp forums. It's pretty cool. The link is on the right side of the page.

Here is my army's color scheme. It's a Dawn of War:Dark Crusade screenshot from the army painter. Also, my army will likely be equipped with carapace armor due to the fact that most of my friends play Space Marines. Any ideas on whether or not that has to be modeled on?

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Here is my Ultramarines army. It's about 2,000 points, with 1500 painted.(badly) A tactical squad and the devastor squad are on the far left ,out of formation, because I was simulating a battle between Necron Warriors and Marines.( i was curious as to who would win.) The Necrons won, barely, thanks to their We'll Be Back rule.

What this is about.

I play 40k and am starting an Imperial Guard regiment. I will take you through the growth of it, and tell you the background. The 111th Valenian has fought the forces of Chaos many times, and knows well how to combat Space Marines. They are called in whenever there is good reason to believe Traitor Marines will be present on the battlefield. (More to follow)


I'm starting an Imperial Guard regiment called the 111th Valenian. I'm going to track the growth of my army.